It's 10:46. I've got ten minutes to share my particular truth with the world. Here is what I know today that is important for all of you to hear.
The world is going to hell and a hand basket. Ask anyone with any brains and he or she will cite you statistics horrible enough to make an old cowboy plump up like a juicy grape. We are murdering ourselves; killing beautiful, riveting places of indescribable natural beauty and wonder; having a planet full of babies that we cannot support and raise in the dignity that those precious beings deserve; we are a planet filled with fear-based humans who aren't very evolved psychologically; on the other side of the globe -and that doesn't necessarily mean north or south, east or west hemispheres, I'm speaking metaphorically here, the others of us are so confident, so certain, so convinced that we know it all that we are hard for the rest of the inhabitants here on planet earth to tolerate.
So enough bitching.
We're fucking it up.
Pardon the tough language here. But tough times, call for tough words.
The good news is: for all of you who watched Star Trek; for all of you who cheered in ET or at the cool scenes in the Terminator when the good guys won; or when the even better guys in Star Wars won (the first one); for all of you people who ever hoped to be on a truly meaningful spiritual path; or to be born into interesting times (you know the Chinese wish a blessing on people that they may be born in interesting times); or the people who think, or have thought, being on a really cool adventure would be amazing; or thought that the second coming of Christ (or the first coming) or any other version of resurrection, judgment day, or any other myth, story or religious prognostication that the world screeches forward to a new level of love and wonderment; well, for any of you:
well, for you....
let's just pretend that day is here,
and act accordingly.
In my mind, it's time for decisive right action, by everyone, on all levels; and what that means for you is yours alone to know.
Two minutes to go: here's the final one, two punch:
It's time we step up and start being as smart as we have been trained to be;
and as loving as the most kind-hearted, spectacular loved-ones have taught you to be;
and it's time for every person on this planet to be an army of one
in the crusade to make this place- planet earth-
one great location to reside.
If we don't,
I do believe in our next incarnation we'll all be back
to being a bunch of ants starting over,
trying to get it right for once.
We've waited too long in human evolution to not start getting it right.
We're too smart for that.
Wake up and start doing things the way you know you should be doing them.
From your heart, mind, and with that terrific, stubborn will you were given at birth.
10:57. Ooops. One minute over time.
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