Here is an ethics question for you? Or, maybe it's etiquette.
Should a person read another person's blog, if that reader has a queasy feeling that the blog writer would not want the reader to be visiting the blog? If the reader asks himself or herself, "I wonder what that person is up to, he or she never shares any information with me?", is that a sign to the reader that it is not socially appropriate to be visiting that person's blog. Or, is the convention that when you create a public space, you must create it for everyone, even if this ruins the vibe in the community you are trying to create.
I think this must have been addressed somewhere on the world wide web. My guess is that this is the type of subject debated by bloggers at their meetings such as those scheduled via I've skipped the past year's worth of meetings, but I still get their meeting notices.
This concept of Cyber Stalkers has me thinking about the US Government and Blog Monitoring. As we strive to make more rich and meaningful public venues, safe and therefore nurturing of growing intimacy in a world starved for actual close connection, how can we be both inclusive and also exclusive for the benefit of the group? Is that how come yahoo chat groups were formed? Is the government monitoring everyone's Yahoo chat groups? Is this stifling your group intimacy or your sense of safety?
It's odd having missed the tec revolution. I don't understand the concepts behind basic software and web innovations. Who explains this well on the web? I would link here to relevant experts on the subject, but I don't know anyone. I'm asking questions outside my area of expertise.
Can you point me in the right direction?
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