Happy Valentine's Day 2007.
I just talked a client off the ledge of telling his wife he wanted a divorce tonight after work. "Do you want a fork in the eye at dinner?" I asked. "She is a hot-headed woman," he replied. "Valentine's Day is a bad day to announce divorce," I advised.
He's decided to wait a week.
Meanwhile, we hosted a client lunch today at Lawlady Inc and presented our eligible bachelor of the year award. I'll reserve telling his name here, to protect his privacy, but when possible we ladies at Lawlady Inc like to help foster new love along. We actually toy with the idea of starting a second branch of Lawlady Inc. The dating segment of our practice. Our motto: we get you in, we get you out.
Valentine's day is an anecdote for divorce. Too much divorce can result in a jaded attitude toward love. I know it is hard for a divorcing person to hold on to the idea that love cures and makes life worth living for. It's easy to fall into the mental trap that love is an accident waiting to happen. With break up and divorce, it is easy to think of love and marriage as a hollow promise.
I am curious about the origins of Valentine's Day. I see shades of Valentine's day in the more ancient Celtic/pagan tradition of Imbolc, traditionally celebrated on February 1 honoring the return to light and Brigid, the Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft (working with metal). What does healing, poetry and metal work have in common? I can see the relationship of poetry and healing to Valentine's Day. Secret admirers, friends letting you know they care, romantic love given poetic voice. Those are things of traditional Hallmark Valentine's day. But ironwork? A grill for your front gate?
Wikipedia speculates ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day) that the origin of the Valentine's day holiday is related to the law courts for the rituals of courtly love. According to that on-line dictionary,
a 'High Court of Love' was established in Paris on Valentine's Day in 1400. The court dealt with love contracts, betrayals, and violence against women. Judges were selected by women on the basis of a poetry reading.
The earliest surviving valentine dates from 1415. It is a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife. At the time, the duke was being held in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.
It is probable that the various legends about St. Valentine were invented during this period. Among these legends:
On the evening before Valentine was to be martyred for being a
Christian, he passed a love note to his jailer's daughter that read, "From your Valentine."
- During a ban on marriages of Roman soldiers by the Emperor Claudius II, St. Valentine secretly helped arrange marriages.
Somewhere lodged in my brain (which makes me believe I heard it somewhere, sometime) is the idea that in older agricultural times (possibly in Celtic areas) February was the time of year when weddings occurred. The season was dark. Not much was going on. The planting season had yet to begin. It was a time sweetened with the promise of new love. Families, less stressed with work, could prepare and celebrate a wedding. February 14th would have been a typical day for marriage. A good day to celebrate love.
I still believe it is... 700 divorces later. The promise divorce gives you is that you will love again. Through divorce you create more room to love someone else- better, deeper and richer. Therapist Jeff Shushan says that a law of human relationships is that your next relationship will always surpass your former ones in terms of maturity, integrity and quality. You get a new relationship equal or better to the one you last left. You know more now and hence you can go deeper into commitment and relationship than you did before. Your capacity for intimacy has been honed by the previous relationship.
So, for those of you who are divorced, divorcing or caught in a relationship that feels stifling this Valentine's day, you can still celebrate love. You can celebrate it's amazing power to flow regardless of external circumstances and it's ability to expand your heart's capacity for good, if you will simply acknowledge this river of emotion that flows through your heart without effort.
On Valentine's day if you don't have a particular romantic partner, you can still practice the art of caring by connecting to an inner urge for compassion and then acting in that impulse. Allow yourself to have a crush on someone. Foster a secret dream. Notice what attracts you and take a step forward to it. We can all smile and radiate an essential quality from our core that respects others and shines a hopeful attitude into the world. Beaming good vibes (to quote 1960s language) is the equivalent to sending an anonymous valentine to the world. What you give, comes back to you.
Happy heart day to you.
If you don't like this day; don't like cake, chocolates and mushy blog entries, you too can celebrate the tradition: Be thankful you aren't getting divorced and your spouse has hired the best attorney in town. We know that can mean.
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