It's Friday night. I'm now of an age (50) where sitting at home deleting blog comments seems fun. I was surprised that I have many blog comments. Seriously, I wasn't paying attention and turned off the comment approval button years ago. As I'm cleaning this blog site up, I decided to weed through my 500+ comments.
What was amazing is... the amount of wonderful comments. I actually touched some lives. That makes me feel blessed. What an unexpected reward. Thank you. I'm so sorry I sort of overlooked your comments previously. Ouch. Bad blogger.
The next thing I noticed is... why is Cialis and Viagra commenting so often on my divorce site? You can see a pattern: weird pharmaceutical names keep posting comments. What was encouraging is that some posters (internet type, not wall type) would actually make a divorce related comment. For those spammy comments where "Buy Viagra Now" bothered to customize the spam, I left the comment up. Heck, being a paid spammer is probably a crappy job. Sharing their sad divorce saga probably perked up their day.
Here's to blog comment spam AND the other 300 comments my site generated since it was started way back... in .... 2004, 2006? I forget. I'm glad you liked my posts. Even "Mr. Buy Cialis," you touched my heart and made my first day back at serious blogging a charmed and happy experience.
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