I'm back. My career journey with started back in 1998 when I first bought the website. I loved that site and I loved my career in holistic family law. Up until I turned 46 and entered my mid-life career crisis. I burned out on family law and I felt a calling to attend to larger issues in society. I slowed down this blog and headed to Madision, Wisconsin to play music and attend and coach for the Grassroots Leadership College. It was a wonderful year. Occupy 99 happened shortly after I arrived. I was enchanted being on the front lines of protesting for a more equal and just world.
At Grassroots Leadership College, they had a motto... "You can't save the whole world, just a part of the world." Around this same time, I attended my first NORML meeting and began being educated about the truth about marijuana laws and how they unfairly penalized people for a very personal choice to use cananbis, a beneficial and joyful plant. I jumped into cannabis activism, evetually returning to Seattle, WA to begin working as a cannabis activist, entreprenuer and attorney. That career was a fun adventure.
And now I'm back at another career cross roads. During my hiatus from Lawlady and Divorce, I started to find myself jealous about the other Lawladies who popped up on the internet. I fretted I had destroyed the trademark. I felt sick I let the "Lawlady" identity go. I was sad I gave away the Lawlady Divorce product line idea as I hunted for a partner in the mid-west to build out the brand with me. Woe is me. Complaints. Nervousness. Nailbiting.
I became torn. What should the Lawlady blog be about? What should the Lawlady brand be? Next I fretted because it appeared typepad may have eliminated my account entirely. That got me really worked up. I felt grief thinking my account was dead forever. You know what you love when you think you've lost it.
Now it's four years after I put on hold. What I learned during my sabbatical from divorce lawyering is that the subject of divorce runs deep with me. My parents were not able to both attend my 50th birthday because of lingering conflicts 48 years after their initial divorce. My world is deeply colored by their divorce. As I contemplate choosing my next legal career focus and the gifts I have to share with the world, divorce keeps announcing itself. As I struggled to determine my best career path, I continued to fall back in love with, the brand. My friends love the brand and voted for me to hold steady with her.
So... that's that. and I are getting married and I'm signing up for a lifetime committment to For a single woman, who has never been married and doesn't have children, this feels life an important step to make. I've looked for and worked towards home, permanence and commitment most of my adult life. Mostly this played out in a search for the "right guy" to build a world with. And guess what? He never showed up. Then I went looking for my real, authentic, rest-of-my-life work. Guess what I found? It was right where I left it. Here at and at You can find me at Facebook at Lawlady, Inc. as well.
I look forward to growing old with her right here and with you too. Welcome back readers. I look forward to forming a solid relationship with you here at this tiny point in the internet universe. It shall be a mutual unfolding. For ease of life, I think I'm going to keep divorce separate from marijuana for the most part. While I was away, I went out and bought myself I think that is a good place for me to write and talk about cannabis, as cannabis and marital demise don't always overlap. I have a few other projects in mind too. The great thing about Typepad is I get unlimited blogs too support my wide list of website domains.
It's an exciting new world. I have so much so share from my four year sabbatical from divorce law. Please join me for the next phase of my career ride.
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