I have struggled over the past year about blogging verses not blogging, about closing down my Lawlady site, about continuing to do divorce work. In the end, I let inertia guide the way. I took a year's sabbatical from divorce work and when my web hosting service bill came due, I just sort of didn't pay it. They in turn shut off the Lawlady.com account. I didn't really care. I was off traveling the world. There was never a day I woke up and said, "hey, I want to jump all over the website and revamp it."
I cannot over stress the theraputic joy of taking a year off and going fallow. With land, we know that it is beneficial to give the soil a rest sometimes and allow mother nature to regenerative the juice and nutrient value of the land. The same is true for humans. I think it is a crime to make people wait a life time until age 65 to enjoy some down time and refresh. In fact, I believe that times of unemployment are really healthy for a society, particularly since we do not, in general, get or take much vacation time during a year.
Over the past few months, I've been wrestling with the subject what do I do with the Lawlady brand? Do I keep blogging? Do I create the divorce products I've had on my to-do list for a long time? I get a whopping 18 blog visitors a day on the existing posts I've created. I wish I could wave a magic fairy wand and find answers.
But as with much of life, it's more an inch worm approach towards moving forward.
But one critical, critical piece of information exists for me: the idea that people with public presence should not hog the limelight when they don't have anything useful to say. Nothing is more annoying than when a blogger, person of influence, or otherwise highly visible person maintains their public position when the well has dried up. We should all be courteous about stepping aside when we no longer are serving the voice muse. I prefer the actions of actors such as Demi Moore who gracefully fade out of the limelight while they pursue other interests. It is not the kiss of death to take some personal time, regroup, restrategize and come back out when the timing is right.
We should all be conscientious of the public's limited attention spans and allow others to have a stronger voice when... um, quite frankly, we have nothing fresh to say and no emotional juice with which to say it.
Having said all this, I am proud to report, that after a 16 month absence, I'm feeling fondness and enthusiasm to jump back on the divorce band wagon, albeit in a slightly different version.
I'm moving to Madison Wisconsin on the odd advice of an astrologer who says in Seattle, I will always be alone, alone, alone. In Madison he promises riches and popularity. Given that I failed to follow the last astrologers advice to avoid the stock market and instead jumped in 30 days before the big crash and netted myself a healthy $30,000 loss, I didn't have the heart to write this new astrologer's advice off as quackery. My faith in astrology was finally put to the ultimate test. So June 15th, I head out to Madison for an arrival June 20th.
In the interim, I am back, blogging and happy to be at your service. Other Lawlady amenties will be resuming on line as the months unfold.
I hope my readership will come back and appreciate that I didn't bug you with non-sense during my personal sabbatical year. It feels good to be reconnecting to Typepad. It looks more like Wordpress after my time lapse.
I'll be speaking to you more as the days unfold. And maybe I'll be working with you in Madison or over the phone someday.
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