Divorce work is emotionally hard work and comes with a high burnout rate for lawyers. I thought I was finished with divorce work when I shut down the shutters at Lawlady Inc in January 2010 . I assumed I would move on to other work after taking time to relax and regroup. After a nice break, my interest in divorce and couple's work renewed. I'm returning to work in the "divorce industry" with a different approach. I'll be writing about the topic, preparing online content, and taking divorce coaching clients. It's a good feeling to move into career spring (even as the weather turns cold).
I'm very impressed with the curative power of taking time off. My hope is that someday America will be a country with the vacation time seen in other countries like France... where month long vacations are the norm. Divorce lawyers, given the high emotional volitility of our work, need good restorative vacations. I'm living proof that with a healthy sabbatical, zest for a subject can reemerge. Even for a tired attorney.
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